Tuesday, March 24, 2009


27th March 2009

We have set up a fund account for Jed and if anyone would like to do some FUND RAISINGet) for Jed this would be most welcome, brain cancer does tend to get expensive! Please know that this is not an expectation but only if you can. Any money contributed to the account will be used for medical expenses, supplements for Jed (this is about a R1000 month) and any special needs. Anyone in my family who is paying for Aunty Bee's care giver, your money will NOT be welcome in this account!!!!!!

First National Bank
Account No:62218655184
Branch: Greenstone
Branch code: 201510
Reference: Your name
Swift Code: FirNZAJJA 188
Account is in Jed's name: Jed Suckling and is linked to my cheque account - Ray and I have access to the account. Account name: Jed Suckling

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