Monday, July 6, 2009

Blood again (gummy berry juice)

6th July 09

Hi there,

This past week was a little difficult with Jed vomiting and a runny tummy. I can't seem to keep up, constipation versus runny tummy... we hope that this week will prove to be better. This weeks blood results were surprising to Ray and I. The directed platelets had arrived (thanks to Trevor) and we were told that Jed would not need platelets although his counts are super low at 68 but it is red blood again this week as his count was at 8 (normal 11 - 15)... Jed is showing signs today that his platelets are dropping with some bruising on his little butt and back. I am monitoring this and will ensure he is kept still and that playtime is more relaxed. He was given the blood transfusion and we left Unitas just before 22h00 - another long day for "The Ten" family. Jed has been doing well since the chemo and we are blessed again that he is up and about! He is not complaining of any pain which makes mommy's heart very happy! Ray and I have requested an MRI to be done and Dr Reynders has agreed to one being done in 6 week. If there is one thing I have learnt about a Pilomyxoid it is NO two tumors behave the same, no cancer, or child can be compared to another... You may have the same diagnoses but no cancer is similar to another (just what I have read). I no longer look for "happy" stories I just pray for a cure soon. Please can we pray that God neutralizes the source of Jed's cancer; we pray that the doctor has given the correct chemo to knock the tumor right out; we pray for a clear MRI and that Jed is totally healed from cancer and that it never returns to his precious little body. We pray that there are minimal long term side effects from the intense radiation and the chemo. And I pray that you all continue to use the power of prayer though the Holy Spirit and my son is blessed with a long and happy life! I don't really have much news this week - but I did go out for a little while on Sunday with my friend Janet. I went to get some more "home schooling" things for Jed and some activities for him, some paints, games and storybooks (things he can do whilst keeping still). We enjoyed a cup of coffee and it was actually nice to be out - Janet understands I become anxious so she is so considerate and will always ask if I'm okay and if I want to go home to Jed. I thank God for wonderful friendships, and everyday we share with Jed - not one minute is taken for granted.
With love
Bon, Ray and Jed x x x (aka "The Tens")

1 comment:

  1. My heart goes out to you .Jesus is with you .We will keep you in our hearts and prayers daily.Sending you a BIG HUG and KISS
    Lots of love
    Leaine,Glenn ,Jason and Ashleigh
